Arrest Warrant Guide

Connecticut Arrest Warrants

Warrants can seem confusing and can be very detailed. The state of Connecticut has three different types of warrants. The first is the search warrant, the second is the arrest warrant, and the third is the bench warrant.

The search warrant is similar to the arrest warrant in a few ways. A search warrant is issued for a specific purpose. A judge can order a specific commodity be searched for in a specific location for a certain amount of time. This could include searching for drug paraphernalia at a suspect's home on a certain day of the week. By law police officers may enter the location by force if necessary, though knocking and announcing is the protocol.

If the police officers do not discover the specific commodity upon a search but do discover other illegal matter not found in plain sight the illegal matter cannot be taken as evidence. Unless another warrant is issued for that specific item, the illegal matter cannot be taken as evidence. If illegal items are in plain sight, then they can be taken as evidence without first acquiring a search warrant.

Arrest Warrants
Like search warrants arrest warrants are also issued through judges and name a specific person to be under arrest for a specific crime. Until the warrant is fulfilled and the individual is in police custody, the warrant is valid. Arrest warrants do not expire, though search warrants may. An individual may have more than one warrant for his or her arrest, and each warrant may be for a different crime. When an arrest warrant is issued the local police will be notified. After a certain amount of time the state police and federal law enforcement may be notified.

Bench Warrants
Bench warrants in Connecticut are more common that any other kind of warrant. Bench warrants are technically a type of arrest warrant but are issued for one specific purpose. These kinds of warrants are only issued if an individual on bail does not appear for his or her court date. The presiding judge can then issued this specific warrant to have the individual brought directly to the court.

Along with other pending charges, an individual arrested on a bench warrant will receive additional charges. Individuals may also be charged with jumping bail, even if there was no set bail. Bench warrants can be mailed from the court clerk in some cities, though other Connecticut cities have the police serve the individual his or her warrant at his or her residence. If a bond is jumped or the individual cannot be found, the city may hire a bounty hunter to bring the individual into custody. Bench warrants do not expire.

Finding Warrants
It is fully possible to have a warrant for arrest without knowledge. This is often the case in identity theft. The Internet has many different search engines allowing Connecticut citizens to search in specific cities and counties for any kind of warrant. Criminal defense attorneys also have the ability to search for warrants and will also be able to provide advisement if a warrant does surface.